Saturday, January 31, 2009

Alexander Baird (1832-1914) Prison Picture and Article

Local Polygamists at the State penitentiary posed with President George Z. Cannon (center) include Alexander Baird, Bishop Thomas Harper (for whom Harper was named), James Bywater and John H. Bott with Guards behind. A note attached to the picture adds that Brothers Harper and Bywater had been there a long time so had dirty suits.
Alexander (I believe) is the man on the far left front row.
Arlenna Baird Heap, a granddaughter to Alexander, related to me (Shelley Haltiner Grover), that she remembers Alexander hiding from the sheriff underneath her parent's home in Mink Creek. The sheriff came after him because he was a polygamist. She showed me the spot. There was a half basement with a dirt floor and then a crawl space that went back under the rest of the house. He crawled up in there.

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